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30 June, 2010

Perodua Eco Challenge 2010 da abis da....

   Perodua Eco-Challenge(PEC) 2010    USAHA TANGGA KEJAYAAN syukur sgt2 kerana pasukan USM(my team) berjaya mempertahankan kejuaraan buat dua tahun berturut-turut...pertandingan kali nie mmg sengit sangat especially dari unisel and utp...nak cita kat sume owang.... selama lebih hampir 3 bulan projek nie nak disiapkan(modified...

29 June, 2010

Creative Calendars to know the Days

Calendars should be creative to make your days creative... Here i had collected some unique and creative calendar Designs! Personally, I like some of the following designs... Burn Away the Matches along with the Dates! (creative!)                    &...

28 June, 2010

Jalan2 tgh malam satu PENANG@pulau...

disebalik Tabir:journey satu penang memang x dirancang langsung . byk benda yg dirancang x jd... Al- kisahnya bermula selepas main bowlink kat megamall pacific(org penang tau kt mne nie). secara x sengaja sorang member ak nie nak jln2 kat pulau.. die kata"jom jln kt pulau". Apelagi,driver kiteorang@nob say to member ak yng tadi "ok  je".. member...

15 June, 2010

Jabulani lagi...

What is the 'Jabulani''Jabulani' is the name given by Adidas and FIFA to the official matchball for the World Cup 2012 in South AfricaWhat is so special about the FIFA World cup Ball 'Jabulani'See our main page. The primary thing is it's the first ball to be moulded in a sphere, to maximise shape retention.Is this better than the World Cup 2006 ball...
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